Eye of Horus

Can you unleash the power of the Eye Of Horus onto the slot reels and find yourself some big wins? This Ancient Egypt themed classic slot combines simple casino style slot gaming with some exciting bonus features, giving you the chance to win up to 10,000x your stake through free spins and upgraded symbols. If you are looking for an easy to play slot that is perfect for online and mobile, then Eye Of Horus could be the game for you. Take a look at it now here at the Ace Online Casino website.

Explore the Eye Of Horus slot

The game takes you deep down into the Ancient Egyptian tombs, to a dark chamber with tall stone pillars. The reels are overlaid in the centre of the room, consisting of five columns, three rows, and ten lines running left to right. For easy reference, the lines are indicated down each side of the reel set and outlined in different colours. Making a win involves matching sets of the same symbol along one or more of those lines.

The symbols in the game start with J-Q-K-A, and then Egyptian artifacts such as fans and ankh crosses. Next come references to the gods themselves: scarab beetles, eagles, and a dog representing Anubis. The Eye Of Horus symbol is the best paying of the standard set, beaten only by the Horus wild. When the god’s portrait lands, it expands to fill the reel.

Eye Of Horus free spins

The temple door scatter symbol can land anywhere on the reels, and hitting three or more of them will give an instant win payout along with 12 free spins. During free games, the expanding Horus symbol has extra powers. It can add new free spins to the total, and it can also upgrade the symbol tablets, turning lower paying symbols into higher value ones for a greater chance of making some massive wins.

Game details

This classic slot is played on a 5x3 grid with 10 pay lines. Spins start at just 0.10 each. The maximum win from this slot is an incredible 20,000x your stake, meaning that 1,000,000 coins are possible at the highest bet levels: now that’s some serious treasure! The game has a decent average return of around 96.31%, and offers medium variance gameplay.

Play Eye Of Horus now

Start your own Ancient Egyptian adventure and see if you can uncover the lost treasures of the gods in Eye Of Horus by Reel Time Gaming, available to play now at the Ace Online Casino. Egyptian themed slots are some of the most popular in the business, with players keen to check out the vaults and search for the riches within. Eye Of Horus is a great take on this theme, with a feature-packed bonus round that can lead you to big money. Take a spin for your chance to win here at your favourite online casino venue!

All values (bet levels, maximum wins etc.) mentioned in relation to this slot game are subject to change at any time.