
One of the very first Megaways slots to hit the market, Bonanza helped the genre take off and influenced the many multiway games available to you today. This fabulously fun mining themed game lets you hunt for gems among the rocks, picking up prizes along the way. Bonanza remains one of the most popular slots in our online collection, more than five years after its release, and you can check it out for yourself here at the Ace Online Casino now. Will you get lucky and strike gold? Turn the reels and find out!

How Bonanza works

If you are familiar with the Megaways format, then Bonanza will be easy to pick up and play. New to the style? Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered! The slot is played on a set of six reels, with rows of between two and seven symbols that land at random, creating up to 117,649 betways! There is an extra reel above the main set too, which rolls sideways adding extra symbols into the mix - including wilds for even more wins!

Bonanza uses cascade mechanics, which means that any wins will be blasted from the reels and new symbols will roll into their place. This can create chain reactions of multiple wins from any single spin. The game has a mining theme, taking place on a rocky quarry hillside. The symbols sit inside big blocks of stone, or get brought to reels on a railroad cart.

Those symbols start with 9-10-J-Q-K-A for low ranking wins, with three colourful gems (green, blue and red) in the mid-tier. The best of the bunch is the diamond, paying up to 50x and awarding payouts for just two on a betway as well. The TNT symbol is wild, completing betways with any standard symbol from its position on the top reel.

Free Spins Bonus

The bonus round is triggered by landing all of the letters G-O-L-D (in any order). Twelve free spins are given initially, though hitting three gold bar scatters in the top reel during the round will add another five spins each time. During the round, you start with a 1x multiplier, which increases by one with every winning spin or successful cascade. There is no limit to how high it will climb, especially if extra spins are won too!

Take a spin on Bonanza now!

With its exciting mining theme, highly collectible gemstones and unlimited multipliers, Bonanza packs a whole lot of fun into a relatively simple little slot game. It has a solid 96% return average, and a maximum win of 10,000x your stake. There are so many ways to win, and some really big money hidden in those rocks, if you are lucky enough to crack them open and get to the treasure within! Bonanza is one of dozens of awesome Megaways games available to play here at Ace Online Casino: check them all out today!

All values (bet levels, maximum wins etc.) mentioned in relation to this slot game are subject to change at any time.